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You'll find all of the last week's chapter's as epubs below! If you want a previous week's work, then check the Index, or ask on the Discord for help!

Current batch: Week ending Saturday October 22nd

Index for November: LINK 


Drew Gilmour

That’s so much easier to read on my phone. Thanks.


Is ch 59 missing from the epub for Fluff?


Yep ive noticed that too


I can't open


I just downloaded from Patreon and tried opening it from my files


Can the weekly post include a link to the index please? Patreon’s site is slow and kind of terrible, so putting the index in the pinned post at the top too would be helpful so we don’t have to spelunk for it. Especially since there is more than one post a month now.


You know, reading Sporemageddon, I'm getting the feeling that our mc child "villain" would fit perfectly well into a Mafia film as the Godmother.


maybe, but I'm kinda weirded out sometimes by how okay she is with potentially causing an apocalypse scenario or at the very least destroying the lives of hundreds of millions of people because she's angry her dad got killed? It's the kind of escalation like.. "ouch I stubbed my toe on the stair! welp, guess I'm gunna have to kill every carpenter in the world now. No choice, really." she's less mafia boss and more psycho killer


Hmm I would have to agree on that. Not everything is simply black and white. Everything has shades. Although she "does" care and protect what's on her side, she goes hard against what isn't. Kind of what a mafia boss would with the whole "for the family" theme. I'm also wondering about the whole PTSD role on a young child's long-term memory brain stem. Memories are fresher and more vivid I believe when one is young. I think. Although I am not a Psychiatrist or PTSD expert.


I don’t recall the condition of the AA gun on cats new house, but she may want to spend the points to fix it. Save some points.

Jerry Rapp

None of the discord links seems to work

Xavius Night

I have absolutely no idea how to open a .epub file.


Oh... I'm sorry, I hadn't considered that. Are you on mobile or on desktop? Usually, you'd just get an Ereader app or software and just read it from that. Some of them are really good, with heaps of bells and whistles (Mine has a great tts system). I can give some suggestions, if you want?

Xavius Night

Aaah, that fills in the missing gap - I'm on a mix of desktop and mobile when reading your stories, but I've been reading from RoyalRoad this whole time. If you have a good suggestion or two for epub readers, that'd be appreciated.


Ahhh! Didn't see your last message, sorry! I love Ereader Prestigo on mobile. It's got ads, but otherwise works flawlessly, and it even has a great Text-To-Speech system. On desktop, it's Calibre or bust. The UI for Calibre is... trash, but it's otherwise great.

Xavius Night

Thank you! I'll be grabbing this on my phone, cuz that's what I read at work with ^^

Xavius Night

Hey, uhh... Prestigio is asking for complete access to my entire phone; that seems kinda really sketchy. Is there a different one you use?


i use readera.

Paul Rendell

Where can I go to read Crystal Genocide in it's entirety?


Tell me what you think! It's still in the development stage, so now's the best time to level criticism!

Paul Rendell

Having read through up to the latest chapter and the Origin Stories I have to say I'm really enjoying it. The magical girls being dysfunctional WMDs who actually manage to destroy the world is hilarious and I'm looking forward to finding out what has happened to the rest of them. I'm assuming that all of them are trapped as Crystal was and that their powers are kind of running on automatic (or being guided), hence the whole demons using abilities from other magical girls, so I'm very hopeful this will continue. Don't really have any complaints so far, it's a bit early for that so we'll see how it goes.


I absolutely love crystal genocide, but the beginning doesn't flow well together. You might skip the second beginning, and have it as a flashback further into the story, although it would be out of context so I dunno...


Yeah, the start's really rough. I think I'm going to have to rework it quite a bit for it to flow better!


Not sure if its just me, but Sporemageddon wont open for me in the index.