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Sorry everyone, but I have a question. In the middle of talks with someone, and a questions came up. 

Do you read on mobile or desktop?



Real answer is both, but more mobile than desktop. I have a hard time reading for extended periods when I'm on a full computer because I keep feeling like I should be working on something else or get distracted by all the other shiny things, but when I'm out walking or waiting for something or whatever my comlink is always right there and full of fine literature.


90% mobile. helps pass the time working night shift. Desktop has significantly more options for entertainment, so reading ussually doesen't trump other things I could potentially be doing.


When you say mobile do you mean phone? Or portable device. 98% of my reading in on a tablet or Kindle fire. I assume that would be mobile cause its not a desktop, but I'm not sure if you are looking specifically for phone vs non-phone.


Both, but mostly on desktop.


Both, depending on if I'm at home or not.

Mary Pardo

Both, really--Ipad and laptop.


Tablet 90% phone 9% computer1%

Steady Gait

GDocs I read on desktop, but I actually do most of my reading on royal road on mobile.


Audiobooks on the Audible app.

bob barker

desktop with dual 4K monitors. Video games aren't as interesting as fiction stories.


I will read on mobile if I must, but, much prefer reading on PC. It's just easier to adjust the text size to make reading easier on my ageing eyes.


An even split. Desktop is preferred, but if I'm killing time, mobile.