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Hello friends and fungi! 

So, as many of you know, Sporemageddon is coming along nicely. I mentioned launching it in May here and there, and that was my hope for a time.

In reality though, I see two distinct options for the story going forward, and since you guys are here, I thought I'd share these options with you and see what you think of them. 

Those of you reading this who are patrons won't be impacted much. You have access to the Sporemageddon files already (28 chapters so far!), so this will be more about deciding the future of the story.

These are the options:

The Kindle Route
With this option we will finish writing the first volume of Sporemageddon, have it edited and formatted, then post it onto kindle and possible kindle unlimited for a limited time. Once that time is up, we'll post to Royal Road for everyone else to read.

Pros: More money, maybe.
Cons: Significantly longer time spent working on the project without knowing whether or not it will pay out. People on RR will only get to read Spore sometime in early 2023 at the earliest

The Royal Road
With this option, we'll wait until Sporemageddon has reached 45 or so chapters before posting it onto Royal Road. We'll likely be posting one and two chapters a day, alternating between the two for the entirety of the first thirty days of posting.

Pros: It'll be up on RR so more people will get to see it, and it'll be posted within the month. Likely a small boost in patrons if the story is popular (I hope)!
Cons:  If the story proves very unpopular or unsuccessful, then I'm liable to lose motivation to keep working on it. Less money made on Amazon.

With either option, the eventual physical/ebook release on Amazon isn't likely to happen until 2023.

So yeah, I'm leaving the option up to you guys! 



I'm voting RR simply because it might entice people to go for the Kindle book when it comes out? I've a history of following that pattern with webnovels I like.

Lord DragonRose

Please note getting things off of Kindle is sometimes harder the getting them on. Personal experience.

Flying Goat

I voted RR because I'm really enjoying Sporemageddon and want others to be able to read it as well as soon as they can, but think you should do whichever works best for you.

Conor McGroarty

I have a lot of things to read so the choice that is better financially for you seems ideal so I chose kindle route. Not to mention that motivation is a big factor as I don’t like stopping stories halfway unless they are really bad (which I highly doubt yours would be considering past works). If it will be on royal road either way, no harm in waiting a few months.


I like reading things on royal road & through kindle. I don't typically read through patreon but you know how your brain works better & how to keep yourself motivated in your writing. I say go with what's best financially & for your drive


I want you to make more money and you already have a large number of books on RR. Posting on Amazon first does not bother me


Even though I voted RoyalRoad, I would not mind at all if you wanted to try the Kindle route first. I don't have any kind of feel for which would be better, the only books that make me any money (my profits are not even in the tens of dollars most months) are the ones that aren't Kindle exclusive and are posted in full on novel sites. But I'm kind of amateur at all of this, unwell, and not keeping up productivity over the years.

Firefly Fanatic

I dislike when stories go on KU permanently, but for a little while and then taking it down to put on RR sounds like a good way to get some extra money. Do what’s best for you birb, just don’t fall prey to the corporate overlords

Aleksei Besogonov

I love to read books on Kindle. RR would require me to read them online :(


As long as it eventually ends up on RR, I can't see how anyone can complain (ofc some will, but they're shortsighted and/or dumb). But if that option makes you more money, then I think it's a TERRIFIC compromise!


Not sure how well it's worked so far, but I can say you've gained at least one fan from royal road, so keep moving forward!


You'd be getting way more fans from Kindle. RRLs audience is comparatively tiny and anyone who wants to will have time to read it. Those other people who complain about it leaving royalroad were never going to read it and never going to patron it. They're not fans. You can backlink your royalroad/Patreon on Amazon. I got something like 1000 clicks on my linkedtree to my royalroad fiction from posting a story that had 600 followers on KU.