It's my Birbday! (and other more important news!) (Patreon)
Hey everybun!
First, I just want to thank everyone, like, really-really thank you. You've made this last year awesome, and you've literally helped me fulfil some of my dreams. It was a hard year, but with so many friends and so much support, I think it was still, somehow, not a terrible one.
Second, I maaaay have forgotten to link the December Index, so here it is: LINK! And yes, for December, every patreon gets it! Consider it a Christmas gift!
Third! It's my birbday! I'm twenty-nine rotations old now. Basically almost thirty, which is kind of scary, not gonna lie.
Fourth! Stray Cat Strut's audiobook is coming out on the 14th! You can pre-order it Here! I've been listening to it, because I actually have some time, and... yeah, it's pretty darned good!
I'm technically still on vacation, but I'm really itching to get back into writing. Though, I have been threatened with baps if I start writing again. So yeah, mostly been playing games, with the occassional live-stream too. It's... nice? I have done not one of the many things I planned on doing during my time off! Yay!
Keep warm; stay cool,