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The banner's done! (I still need to find a good spot for some of them, but we'll figure it out!)

Every main character from my current and completed stories is there. Now we're just missing the rest of the casts! 

Since I couldn't decide who to commission next I figured I'd leave that choice in your capable hands! 

Vote for all of your favourite characters! They'll be added to the banner in order of preference! 


White Neko Knight

I'm being very picky here. But why does Cat have a sword? Also, why does her "not a rail gun" Whisper look like a crossbow?


Hah! Give her a moment, she's getting a sword soon. It will be terrible, and she will be mocked for it. Also, because it is a crossbow.


Limpet and/or Mem needs to come with fang fang, for fang fang ids the best doggy

White Neko Knight

Fair. And yep I can see Cat getting a crap sword for some reason and only using it for looks.


We need best girl Lucy there. Because we secretly know she is the main character!

Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose

My brain was struggling to figure out who was who, but I found best girl from Agartha Loop. Also Fluff and Lovecrafted which were amazing reads.

Jens Mortensen

I recognize 3, maybe 4, can we have a list of whos who?

Jens Mortensen

From left to right is Name1 from storyA Name2 from storyA Name3 from storyB And so on and so forth


Ohhhh, you mean in the art that's already done! Left to right: Emily from Fluff Cat from Stray Cat Strut Dreamer from Lover Crafted Awen, Broccoli, Amaryllis from Cinnamon Bun Valeria from Heart of Dorkness Amber from The Agartha Loop Charlie from Lever Action Harold from Dead Tired


Where's headpats?