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Hello and welcome again to the newest 'what will be written lots' poll for September 2020! 

Since Cinnamon Bun won the poll for August, it won't be present in this month's poll! 



Cinnamon bun


Hrm? Ah, if you're wondering why it's not on the list, it's because whichever story wins one month is excluded from the next month's vote.


SCS is well done and I think it might draw in a lot of patrons over time. I mostly avoid futuristic dystopia/apocalypse stuff (usually too negative, full of jerks, and all sorta the same), but I'm enjoying it. World, MC, and story so far are very engaging!


SCS is the greatest thing I have read this year, and I really really want to get through the first arc ASAP


SCS just feels good. I'm invested in Cat's life already


Is it really that good? I guess I have been seeing it in the trending section on RR for quite a while now.