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Hi, everyone.

While investigating a new breakthrough to modding Soul Calibur VI (more on that soon), I discovered how to edit the body proportions of the regular characters.

This was so handy for updating my Adult Talim and Adult Amy mods (see pic above).

This edit is independent for each color, so you can apply it only to the colors you want. Also added an All-in-One file to change them all with a single file.

Note that the camera is intended for smaller characters, so it can be a bit too zoomed in at certain moments (and it tends to get close to those parts where you shouldn't look so close). The pic above is an example.

Compatibility issue: Talim's adult mod is ignored if Talim SC4 mod is installed. I'll update the SC4 mod soon to make it compatible.
Other replacement mods should work correctly.

Hope you like it.
Have a nice weekend!



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