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Hi, everyone.

I've been messing with the animation files for Dead or Alive 6 and it's possible to swap them.

Here is an example of Honoka using animations from other characters:

  • Character Selection Menu: Ayane. With Ayane's facial animation.
  • Entrance: Tina. With Honoka's facial animation, to match her speech.
  • Break Blow: Hayate. A bit desynchronized because Honoka's is the fastest Break Blow in the game. FX are Honoka's, they seem to partially adapt to the new movement.
  • Win Pose: Helena. With Honoka's facial animation, to match her speech.
  • Lose Pose: Eliot. With Eliot's facial animation.

The movements adapt very well between different characters.

The mod changes the movements for all costumes and the Layer 2 method doesn't work for this. But as you can see it's compatible with any costume mod installed.

Have a nice weekend and stay safe.


DoA6 Mod - Honoka Alternative Animations

Honoka with some alternative animations. -Character Selection Menu: Ayane. -Entrance: Tina. -Break Blow: Hayate. -Win Pose: Helena. -Lose Pose: Eliot.