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This mod makes the non-inner unbreakable items breakable.

I created separate files for each item. If you want every item to break install only "0BreakableItems_AllinOne_P.pak".

Items included:

  • All socks (female and male).
  • Female Pirate Coat and Female Pirate Belts.
  • Arcane Knight Armor.
  • Seraph's Armor.
  • Sword Princess Leotard.
  • War Maiden's Costume.
  • Mourning Robes.

Update: Added Gym Shorts (the All-in-One file is updated too).

Update 2: Added more items (the All-in-One file is updated too).

  • Cataclysm Chaps.
  • Cyclone Bracelet.
  • Cyclone Earrings.
  • Cyclone Necklace.
  • Cyclone Pants.
  • Destiny Gloves.
  • Dvapara-Yuga.
  • Haohmaru's Hakama.
  • Mourning Robes (Fixed).
  • Purge Leggings.
  • Raging Seas Slacks.
  • Raging Seas Wristbands.
  • Raven Choker.
  • Raven Leather Leggings.
  • Redemption Chaps.
  • Samsara Lower Body Garment.
  • Strategist's Pants.
  • Truth-Seeker Gauntlets.
  • Truth-Seeker Sandals.
  • Winter Rose Gloves.

Update 3:

  • Fixes for original characters. As not everyone has been fixed (see note 3) I created "0BreakableItems_AllinOnewithoutIssues_P.pak" file, which has all the items except the ones that cause issues. <= Outdated, see update 5.
    The "0BreakableItems_AllinOne_P.pak" file has been updated too.
    That 0 (Zero) at the beginning of the name is to make them compatible with other mods.
  • Added the texture fixes to each file that needed it. The old one isn't needed now.

Update 4: Added items for Hwang and Creation Set F.

  • Secret Inpector's Mask (Hwang/Male).
  • Secret Inspector's Arm Braces (Hwang/Male).
  • Secret Inspector's Leg Braces (Hwang/Male).
  • Cyclone Earrings (Male).
  • Mourning Robes (Male).
  • Mystery Suit (Female).
  • Ladies' Outfit (Female).
  • Butterfly Corset (Female).
  • Butterfly Panties (Female).
  • Butterfly Stilettos (Female).
  • Dvapara-Yuga (Female).
  • Raging Seas Wristband (Female).
  • Destiny Gloves (Female).
  • Truth-Seeker Gauntlets (Female).
  • Peony Socks (Female).
  • Xiaoyu Shoes (Female).

Updated Raven Leather Leggings to the last version. No more crashes.
All-in-One files updated too.

Update 5: Fixed all remaining issues.

  • Haohmaru: No "extra part" before break.
  • Nightmare: Like Siegfried, he will show the nudemod you have installed (if any).
  • Seong Mi-Na.
  • Zasalamel: SFW break.

Included in all-in-one file.
Removed "without issues" file, for obvious reasons.

Hotfix: Reworked Maxi. Now he works like Zasalamel.

Update 6: Added more items. Included in the All-in-One file.

  • Purge Leggings female version.
  • Amy: Winter Rose Bloomers. Fix for the regular character included. Compatible with the No Nudity for Kids mod.
  • Talim: Cyclone Bikini. It's still an inner item, so it won't break normally. But with this mod it will break if you use Vodkalibur to place it in another slot.

Note: If I missed any item, just tell me and I'll add it.

Note 2: Making the slots breakable is independent of any mod installed in them.




Cool! 😃👍

Nicholas Flores

I really love this mod and I hope Segador makes more items destroyable so I can strip my female creations naked when I defeat them. I especially hope he makes Hilde's final layer of clothing under her crown princess armor destroyable. Or the chainmail and similar under armors.


Holy crap, you're a god, Segador. Do you plan on converting all of the hardcoded items? I can write down a list if you plan on continuing this. (Or at least, ones I'd like to see breakable. =P)


Thank you. Sure, tell me which ones I missed. Just keep in mind that this doesn't work for Inner items.


Alright, list is below. It does have one inner item, mind if I ask what stops the conversion for those types? Cyclone Bikini Cyclone Pants Raven Leather Leggings Purge Leggings Cyclone Necklace Raven Choker Cyclone Bracelet Winter Rose Gloves Cyclone Earrings


Thanks for the list. Inner items are made unbreakable in another way (I guess somewhere must say that those items are unbreakable by default). So this method doesn't work with them.


Damn, I was hoping to be able to get the Cyclone Bikini breakable. It's the central piece of Mordred's outfit from the Fate series. Ah well. No rush, but how long d'you think it'll take to get those converted?


I don't think I'll be able to do that, but before I didn't think I could do these, so... I've updated the mod.


Awesome. You're the man (or woman/or nonbinary badass), Sega. If you do figure out a way to get the Cyclone Bikini un-hardcoded, that'd be awesome!


There seems to be some strange shadow effect on existing cast characters where the equipment used to be? Maybe it doesn't happen if you select a customized character..


The textures of the original characters have shadows in them which aren't in the customized ones. I'll create a file to remove them.


May just be me, but are the Purge Leggings breaking properly? They're solid as rocks for me lol.


Can you make the cyclone bikini breakable? Vodkalibur has it listed as unbreakable.

Omegastar VG

It looks like the recent game patch broke something with this mod, when I attempt to select Tira when using this mod the game gives a "Fatal Error" crash. Any chance you could look into this Segador?


The Purge Leggings break properly. Story mode has it's own way to break items, though.


Hey, Segador. I don't know what's up but the Purge Leggings still won't break for me. Bottoms are definitely breakable on my test character, I don't have any conflicting mods (in ModManager or my ~mods folder), and I used the most recent AllInOnewithoutissues that you just uploaded. Could use some help. Example: https://youtu.be/TZBzH-beLio EDIT: I tried both AllInOne and AllInOnewithoutissues. Same result, no break.


Update: I don't think the Winter Rose Bloomers are on the list, they're still UB. Lower Body part. And still no luck on the Purge Leggings


It would be error when equipmenting Bondage (Legs)