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Hi, everyone!

I've been trying to get rid of the body seams since I begun modding Soul Calibur VI and I've finally started to succeed! Thanks a lot to superwombat.

In this pic I've replaced all body parts (except feet and hands) with new meshes (my bottomless and topless and the rest from the original game). You can see the lack of seams in the body.

There are some details to finish, but it's almost there.

I want to update the mods with this improvement, but it will take a lot of time. So the question is this: Do you prefer me to focus in these updates or in creating new mods?

Keep in mind that I say "focus", the other option won't be forgotten.

Update: The first fix is already uploaded: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23263461

Result: Fixing the mods will have priority. Thanks for voting.