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Mileena crossed that portal too (or at least her tailor did).


-Unbreakable version: Normal and damaged costumes are identical. See screenshot above.

-Breakable 1: The mask breaks.

-Breakable 2: The mask and boots break. Used a modified version of my HD feet.

-Weapon: Used my Sais mod. Replaces Taki's default weapons. Optional.

-Hair: Replaces Taki's original hair. Optional.

-Face: Removed lips and placed some of Mileena's teeth. Optional.

I thought in adding her eyes too, but it seems all eyes share textures.

I've edited the light effects in the costume (e.g. in Soul Charge). In all versions.

As always. Fully color customizable and with thumbnails.

Update: Bugfixes for fingers/gloves.

Update 2: Seams and gloves fixed.

Update 3:

  • Edited deafult colors.
  • Added CDLC versions.
  • Fixed breakable boots creating issues in CaS.




Would be cool to see the costume have more break effects to make it sexier :)


This Tarkatan babe is sexier than ever thanks to Segador !

Nguyễn Tiến Đức

The new update is out, can use make nude body for new characters


I've been thinking in some mature breaks, but prefered to release this one first and see the critics. In case I have to change something.

Frank Leo

awe Some


Very nice, but I noticed 2 things : I can't play with only the boots of the costume and other clothers. Empty slots pictures to the body selections parts of the costume as well.


Thanks. Boots: Sadly, I couldn't separate them. Pics: I placed black thumbnails to the items I completely removed.


Need a proper breakable version that makes the laces around her bust break.


May I point a problem? When I equip the clothes with mask, the texture is few error. There are two little blanks on both sides of her mouse. You have fixed this problem in your breakable version update, but this version (only break mask) is not be fixed.