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It's a V bikini that replaces Sophitia's costume.
Why Sophitia? Because this way I can make a destructible effect!

  • Sophitia V: Unbreakable version (replaces both starting and damaged costumes).
  • Sophitia V Malfunction XXX: Wardrobe malfunction versions. The name indicates the exposed boob.
  • Sophitia V No Items: Removes Sophitia's extra items in Story/Arcade/Battle (Optional). 

Of course, is intended to work with any other girl in CaS.

Fully color editable.

Update: Added another Malfunction and Breakable versions.

Update 2: Seams fixed. The No Items file no longer removes Sophitia's items from CaS.

Update 3: The metallic part is now colored independently (All versions).

Update 4: Added a version that breaks the lower part (Included in All-in-One).




How can I add it to Vodkalibur? I need help

紫 王

Can these versions be used together?


They replace the same item, so you have to choose. You can use them together with the CDLC version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/v-kini-cdlc-mod-45282141


Awesome work!

Frank Leo

Do the "malfunction" versions break into "more nudity", or just the exposed breast?

Nguyễn Tiến Đức

Do you have version break expose both breasts and also break reveal the bottom parts, one breast expose is not encorage enough :P


More breaks the better

Leona Do Russ

Would a malfunction version that shows her crotch be possible? It would pull the crotch part of the bikini aside


I tried it time ago, but didn't look well. I wonder if t's better to make it look like if the bikini was cut in the lower part, maybe with a hanging remnant.