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In case you'd like to see it.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NwiSIB-XMvk



Congratulations Jill, you've discovered a new niche :D


I'm surprised about the "there's no modern comparable book out there" idea. What of "Redshirts" by John Scalzi? 2012 is not that long ago. It's SF vs fantasy, but also very meta. Admittedly he's riffing on Star Trek, but the characters get to meet their writers and ... don't remember if there's 4th wall breaking... Also, it's not even a standard novel format. Because I'm old-ish, I spent some time trying to find the What's New cartoon from Dragon magazine about "There is no difference between SF and fantasy", but alas my google-fu is lacking. I actually have a copy on my hard drive so it must have been available online at some point because I have no idea where my collection of Dragon magazines are and I didn't scan them in. 8-)


Well, when sending a query letter to agents for trad publishing, it is standard to include “comps” as in comparable titles. These should be: - released in the last 3-5 years max, and - ideally also not written by very successful authors. So a 12 year old book is still too old to be relevant to current market conditions, I’m afraid 😁 (Is it a good book?)


Speaking as someone who's been a bookseller, the question of genre is a real one. We not only needed to have a logical place to shelve a title, we needed to have a quick way of cueing people in to what they might expect from the book. Genre is an imperfect but very useful way of doing both those things. The problem is that the edge cases can be both the hardest to summarize (you get maybe a sentence, two at best, on a shelftalker and you can't plan on always being able to handsell) and the most interesting to read. I'm glad self publishing has made it easier for books that don't have obvious comp titles to find their audiences!

Fenrir Wolfganger

I don't know if it really happened but legend has it one bookshop organised Douglas Adams Hitchhiker series as: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Travel Restaurant at the end of the universe - Good food guides Life, the Universe and everything - Philosophy.