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Yes, I have been Making The TikToks again. I know. :D

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/IDECQ6r4tyA



Jill: "What I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people without a sense of humour. If you pre-order my book now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will flick tiny cubes of cheese at you." [edit, changed the end to "tiny cubes of cheese"]


Hmm. Wildly paraphrased?


Well, speaking as one of those patreons that seems to like the drafts made available to us, and whilst acknowledging that you are right, they are related skills, but certainly not the same, i can happily say that it is evident you have an extremely competent and strong grasp of both! Even Tolkien and Jordan had editors (and argued with them on occasion) and there are a few places Shakespeare could have benefitted from an editor too! (I know, heresy, but true). If the mark of a good book is the skills of the author, then one of those skills is finding a good editor, and another is listening to them! The successive drafts have been proof you have those skills too!

Michael Enslein

So excited to see the series again and get the book.