Today in Adventures in Self Publishing... (Patreon)
My wonderful cover artist has sent me a PDF of the (not-entirely-finished) cover so I can order a couple of proof copies on Amazon, see what they look like, is matte or glossy better, all that jazz.
The first picture is of part of the front and the spine, as seen in the PDF.
The next is a screenshot of KDP's previewer of the spine (hence the safe areas red and white markings) and the spine has just...turned a different colour.
You will note that the pink post-it is entirely fine on the third picture, it's just the spine that's gone wonky.
Luckily, Scott was On The Case and has figured out where the problem lay, so I am ordering some proof copies as we speak, but I thought you might enjoy this random Adventure in Self-Publishing.
(We're trying out the pink spine so it stands out on bookshelves. I'll let you know if I like it in person or not when I get my proofs in about two weeks.)