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Going live on Monday, but you get to see it early because...I just finished it :D


You're in the Epilogue Now... #fantasyheroine

Caroline has been hard at work, characters are disappearing, and Rosamund is feeling a little under the weather.



This book HAS to have lots of pictures in it, if nothing else than to capture Roxy’s expression at the end!


Oh dear - poor Rosey! She’s only just recovered from all the plot twists😂


And now you're using a spreadsheet? Now there's absolutely no way this could go wrong... (*cough* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/05/austrian-social-democrats-announce-wrong-leader-after-technical-error *cough*)


Congratulations Rosy! Congratulations Leo! Congratulations to Edmund and Charlotte with their new baby sibling.


This was just delightful. Loved Caroline’s little smirk!


This ought to be good.


Beware of the epilogue Rosey!! They just as often contain some wonderfully terrible cliffhangers as they do a satisfying wrap up scene.


If Victoria has gone then Magnus has gone so who is next in line to the Hawkhurst estate after Charlotte? It's harder to do a pun for this one than "Sally: The maid, unmade" perhaps "The sister-in-law, disappeared-and-all"? {Frown} I'll need to work on that.


I've posted this twice on the YouTube short and both times it's "vanished". Not sure if Jill is removing it or if YT doesn't like it or if it's been queued for validation for some reason. Anyway since I spent *minutes* of effort on it I wanted to share it somewhere so ... The epilogue, the epilogue approaches like a hungry fog Time now travels very fast Some loose their lives, some loose their past. You thought you'd caught a cold quite mild but actually you're now with child. How could this have come to be!? You'll have to check on AO3.


Brilliant! but did you mean loose (as in not tight/release) or lose (as in misplace/not win)?


@Berthulf. Thank you for spotting that. I have corrected it.