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If you've got any questions, just drop them in the comments, but I thought I should give you an update on where Caroline and Rosamund are at the moment :)


This is Going to be ⚡️Pain⚡️(A Book Update)

I'm just saying, One Crisis at a Time is our motto as well as our title. Have a Fantasy Heroine book update for your delectation and delight. #fantasyheroine #onecrisisatatime


Fenrir Wolfganger

I always thought Fantasy Heroine was TikTok first because it matched the form so we'll. Especially the "Will you marry me?" "No My Lady" (Audiance screams before realizing the video just flipped to the start again). As for your being a "real" writer? I watched people going to your Patreon to read the full story and then prove they read the full story by commenting on bits throughout it, they only did that because they enjoyed your writing. Sure you've more to learn, it would be a bigger problem if you didn't see that you've more to learn. It's going to be a trial and an experience, sorry I can't help but hope you enjoy it.


Publishing is a slow and often painful process. All publishers work differently. The 'rules' my 1st publisher used, and so I got to know, when presenting covers and book blocks, etc over my first 5 books, were not the same rules that my 2nd publisher used, and the process became painful, as you present work in format x, which has previously been fine, but now they want it in 'y.' Also, whilst you're excited by it, the publishers are not, it's their job, that they do this every day (which means they should be slick, but . . . Actual 'reading' seems to be the 'old way' and I get asked more frequently 'is it an audio book' than 'where can I buy this book.' Audio book publishing is equally painful, as selecting voice artists who have the ability to do multiple characters (especially if they have accents or need to sound a specific way) is also a challenge. Pronunciation also adds another dimension, as when you get the first draft back there will be multiple words, often multiple times, that are pronounced incorrectly (especially if you made them up (not uncommon) in sci-fi or fantasy).


Ingram spark for self publishing


Jill, you're a treasure. It's a big thing becoming your own publisher, and we all know you just sort of fell into this. I love Baen, but if you're thinking they don't know what to do with it (and especially if they've told you they don't know what to do with it, or if they need it done on a schedule you can't make), then that's totally fair. We'll be here when you're ready. ❤️


oawrugrasjgfwjmSDKFN'AIPSFRKJMskfjsgdlibeg SOOOO DAMN EXCITED FOR YOU! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm suspecting/ guessing this is a 'que community assaulting you with art and suggestions' so given I have none of the one and am excruciatingly incapable of the other, I'll just batter you with excitement and proud glee.


Wow! That’s really awesome work! So I am not a professional editor by any means, but I have done beta reading, editing, and proof reading for self-published books before, if you want another beta reader.

Anthea Strezze

Julie Dillon is one of my favorite cover artists, and I know she works with indie authors. I think she's done covers for all of Elliott Kay's books, and she did my all time favorite for "Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology". https://www.juliedillonart.com/


Indie publishing FTW! Honestly, for niche genres, it is often the best option. There is an audience, but it is an audience that large publishers often overlook. This also means that you are in control of how your book looks and is described as well as any developmental changes that are happening. You can make decisions based on what is best for your story, not necessarily what would sell best in a mainstream market. Not gonna lie, it is a scary thing to do, but it is also really rewarding and interesting. I've been publishing this way for the past 5 years or so and it has been a lot of fun. Just remember, you aren't competing with anyone and you don't need to justify yourself; you wrote something and that makes you a writer, whether you ever publish it or not.


...Jill is getting a LOT of excited patrons bouncing around the comments!


Artists I can recommend: Andrea Villasante https://www.instagram.com/raethelon/ Le Rastislav https://www.deviantart.com/artdeepmind Jenn Lee https://www.deviantart.com/y2jenn https://www.artstation.com/y2jenn


I use Ingram Spark/Lightning Source for my small(micro)press, and it's quite good, and helps streamline several parts of the process with guides, templates, and other resources.


Cover illustratino idea (looks great in my head, might not work on the page): Caroline and Rosamund standing back-to-back, batltling their resepective nemeses(is that a word?), Caroline with her pen and Rosy with her sword. (You can tell I'm not an illustrator, can't you?)