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At 1900 GMT, all welcome (I'll make a public community post in a couple of days, but I thought you should get some advance notice)

https://timeanddate.com should convert that for you if you aren't in Merry Olde England :)

Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, pop them in the comments under this post and I'll try and answer those first. 

Happy February!


Happy February Livestream!

We're back!



Question: If Baron Mabry was a deciduous tree, what sort of tree would he be [#NotSerious]


That was supposed to be a flippant joke ... and then I got distracted into trying to assign the main characters a tree: It would be superficial to say Rosamund is a Rowan or a Red Maple but actually she's a Beech Robin is an Elm or a Chestnut Leo is a Mahogany Weston is a Yew


OK a serious question: Are we going to get the answer to "Who from 'The Tribe' did younger Jill have a screen crush on?"


For the rest of you Yanks who struggle with the concept of a time difference greater than three hours: GMT is precisely 5 hours later than Eastern Standard Time. So 19:00 Greenwich Mean Time (basically, 7:00 P.M. on the Posh Clock) would amount to the following times stateside: 2:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time 1:00 P.M. Central Time 12:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time 11:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time Hope that helps!


"Weston is a Yew" - evergreen, older than print and almost entirely poisonous?


Got also a question: i know you are currently finishing the book (really awesome btw) and there are many things to tell in a possible sequel - like the man/woman behind Mabry, the weddingball, adentures with the hawkhurt-kids (who i call Hawklings in my head) etc. Do you plan / want to do more in the Fantasy-Heroine-world, via shorts or short Storys or a book sequel?


You're all hating on Weston but all he's *actually* (been proven to have) done is stand on Rosamund's foot a few times at a dance nearly 20 years ago and propose to her. So Yews are poisonous but they're also associated with a great lifespan and the strength and flexibility to make longbows. They're a strong, serious, *dependable* tree. (That may *or may not* be trying to kill you) I have the outline of a fanfic explaining the world from Weston's viewpoint that I really must try and get the time to flesh out and post.


Yay! Questions for the livestream, in no particular order: - How are you? - What engagement did your "shouts at cloud" video get, and did it support your hypothesis? - Is there another collab video with Joriam in the works? (Aside, can you @ people on Patreon?)


In your video "How to be an extra (and not make everyone's lives annoying ad miserable)" you mentioned being an extra in a film where you had a line about candyfloss. 1] Did the film ever get released? 2] Did your part not get cut? (i.e. are you still in it) 3] What's it called? (The film, not your part, which I assume is "Candyfloss explaining lady").


Any concrete plans for further work on the OCAAT draft? Not just because I'd like to eventually read it, but also... While I can imagine getting inspired and knocking out a 50k word story, I wouldn't have the first idea how to go from a 1rst draft to a 2nd and am curious how one goes about that.


When reading a book, do you prefer physical or digital? Hardback or paperback? With illustrations or without illustrations?


Need a cheese duel.