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I recently had need of a self-taped monologue (for reasons that I will get into in the future, probably) and so, for your enjoyment, dear Patrons, here is a scene from a play called CSI: Neverland (yes, it's exactly the kind of thing you think it is) where the 911 operator is...a touch overworked.

I've been...so so so SO busy recently. Busy to the point that I made myself sick, which is never actually a clever thing to do, but I still feel a bit like I'm neglecting you all. Which is bad, because I love and appreciate you. So here is a thing. I hope you find it at least mildly amusing!


Jill Bearup monologue | CSI Neverland

Jill Bearup as the 911 operator from the play CSI: Neverland.



Hmm.... I like it. Although it could have done with a black cat or two.


911 seems like an appropriate Neverland dispatch line considering 112 or 999 is the emergency number in UK! Credit to wikipedia for information.


Brb: Dying. XD


Interestingly, 999 is the UK number (112 will also get you there because it's the international number) but 911 will ALSO get you emergency services in the UK, because apparently they asked a bunch of British kids the emergency number and...well a lot of them watched American TV. So 911 will do it too!


Well, when they tried to figure out how well kids would respond in an emergency they found this out, so they just added that as one of the numbers. So even if your five year old is panicking and can only remember what they saw on...I don't know what five year olds watch nowadays...they'd still be able to call you an ambulance if you collapsed in your house :)


TV was definitely my babysitter. This makes quite a bit of sense actually. It's just funny hearing more of American TV influence.

Curtis Charles

I liked this. The character was just the right amount of ditzy at the end.


I could not stop laughing at this!