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Yeah, it's here! Wooo!

Now with 100% more weird creepy face pulling in the thumbnail. *shrug* Whaddaya do.

Unrelated question: is there a specific movie that Jesus, Bro! is spoofing particularly? 

Asking for a friend :P


Grief's A Funny Thing | Han/Leia in The Force Awakens | Stuff You Like 170

So we know that Han and Leia are separated in The Force Awakens. But is this necessary to the story? What is the message we're trying to send here? And do you think it works? I mean...I do. But it still hurts. Star Wars, man. Right in the feels. Jill's website: www.jillbearup.com Jill's Tumblr: http://jillbearup.tumblr.com Jill's Patreon: http://patreon.com/jillbearup



I think it is a lot of different “Christian persecution propaganda films“


Yes, but... a month or two after "Jesus, Bro" came out, "Let There Be Light" came out. It has the exact same plot as "Jesus, Bro" but is played entirely straight. For specific movies I would look primarily at "God's Not Dead" 1 and 2 (3 is apparently not as persecution drama-ish), "War Room", and "Old Fashioned".


Yep... a Kevin Sorbo Vanity project staring his whole family


I watched Brad's reviews of Old Fashioned and War Room, will look up God's Not Dead. Old Fashioned is really interesting to me because it leans really heavily on some I Kissed Dating Goodbye-style shiz, and I remember that. Though as a British 20something when I read it, mostly I remember that it had some good basic ideas and some batfrakked applications for them. "Don't date, court! Which is...basically just the way you'd date if you were looking for a long term relationship, but hey ho!"


You guys are totally down for a preliminary episode on the intricacies of the US evangelical Christian dating subculture, right? :D


You should also watch God’s not Dead 2 and the Voiceless review also because your a Biblical scholar (your bible series really should be taught in theological schools) check out his review of “Kirk Cameron saves Christmas”