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No I'm not pregnant.


What, I know some of you were thinking it.

Anyway, hooray! I'm rejoining the PAYE crowd! 


A Wild JOB Appeared!

YAY! But also boo, less time to make videos. How are you all doing?


Curtis Charles

I’m sorry get doxxed again?


Somebody got an old phone number of mine back in October or so and called it with numbers that don’t exist a few dozen times. (Like 6 calls from 00091111 or whatever). Mildly irritating rather than dangerous but I’d rather it not happen again. I also got a lot of emails in my spam from real estate agents about selling Jill Bearup’s house in the US. Like, with her street address on them. I don’t know her but her address is on whitepages and mine isn’t, so I assume that’s how that happened.


You could get rid of the toddler. I've read "A modest proposal..." so I know how the Irish handled this in the past.

Greg Walters

It was my first thought, I'll admit.


Congratulations on the job! Hope you keep your sanity in check.


Congratulations on the job. Cats don't need to look grateful.


Hooray for regular employment! Happy, Healthy, and (relatively) Sane Jill is best Jill so I aporeciate your efforts at self care and being forthright about your plans.


‘... aporeciate ...!’ I swear I try to proofread these things.


You and your cat should do a crossover with Comic Book Girl 19 and her cat...


Alright, this is good. Just make sure to tag your cat or something because they look really similar and you might get them switched accidentally.


Could you imagine the scene at the vets? "Hi, we need to use your microchip scanner." "Because..." "We're having a comedy cat-switcheroo issue?"