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I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow for VidCon, so here is iGen even earlier than usual for you all! Have a great week and weekend!


syl 168 patrons iGen


Gabriel Nichols

I'm always nervous commenting on something where I haven't (yet) read the underlying book/research but I wonder how much of what she is seeing is a result of technological changes and how much is a result of the erosion of the social contract in the US over the past 30-40 years. In particular these are children who are entering a world where the consequences of error (choosing the wrong major, getting caught with Pot and so now needing to check yes in the "I have a felony conviction" box) have been hugely magnified and as such both anxiety and general conservative behavior patterns seem like reasonable consequences. This has always been true at the lower end of the SES but the arms have been tightening around the middle and upper-middle classes significantly where it starts getting noticed by researchers (and where people start calling it depression/anxiety and seeking treatment vs calling it life and self-medicating with tobacco and alcohol)


I'd certainly buy the idea that teens today have far less privacy to make mistakes than teens of previous generations. And though public shaming (because did you hear that A GIRL HAD SEX???? SHAMEFUL!) has always been with us, it's not just public now, it's public and permanently on the Internet.


This is fascinating. I was born in 1991 and I've kept up with technology and social media, etc., so I feel I and others of my generation (generally) know how to interact with it and keep things private. Then I realised that my Facebook account is nearly 10 years old this year. (Yikes.) I also think that the early-mid range days of the Internet were much easier for me and my fellow millennials, since Livejournal and Xanga profiles automatically delete when you stop updating them and aren't archived (to my knowledge), Bebo no longer exists and like MySpace, it purged all inactive profiles around 2012... so yeah. All the embarrassing stuff that you don't want to keep is automatically taken off. No wonder things like FB/Instagram stories and Snapchat are getting more popular, since the content will automatically delete.


Jill, you've been married for a number of years and you have a kid. We have figured that at some point you had sex. It is not a secret.

Gabriel Nichols

Jill, an interesting piece from the economist that includes data from Western Europe which seconds a lot of the trends you discussed. <a href="https://www.economist.com/news/international/21734365-they-are-also-lonelier-and-more-isolated-teenagers-are-better-behaved-and-less" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.economist.com/news/international/21734365-they-are-also-lonelier-and-more-isolated-teenagers-are-better-behaved-and-less</a> Also one other possible causal factor that should be discussed is the elimination of lead from automobile exhaust, paint, and our surroundings in general. There are a number of very good studies on the impact of early lead exposure harming self-regulation and it shouldn't be discounted in generational shifts in the ability of teens to connect consequences to behavior both for good (lower levels of violence and drunkenness) and ill (increased levels of anxiety and depression)