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You know I can't resist my terrible puns. Moosebutter medleys, Dungeons and Dragons webcomics, and...well...you know, some actual discussion of The Phantom Menace. A little bit.


SYL 112: Star Wars Episode 1: The Fandom Medley

What does Ursa think of The Phantom Menace? Why are the Star Wars Prequels in a Stuff You Like episode at all? What is Moosebutter? What is fandom? Who originated the phrase, "Jar Jar, you're a genius!" and made me believe it? And exactly what is Darths and Droids?



So you and the porno critic will review The Moan Wars next?


As a LotR and Star Wars fan and a DM since DnD3.5 I thoroughly appreciate this episode! Thanks a lot for the fine fine work!