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Dear Patrons, Merry Christmas or solstice or Hannukah or...whatever you celebrate! (Yesterday I learned that there are 16 variant spellings of Hanukkah using this alphabet. Transliteration is fun!) ANYWAY, that's not what this post is about. It's actually about...dun dun DUN...MONEY! I'm not asking you to give me more money, just so we're clear. I'm asking: would you be interested in a video ABOUT money? It seems to me that almost nobody in the YouTube/Blip/Maker/whatever community talks about how much money they earn from online video. And I think that's stupid. I mean, yeah, you hear about all the people supposedly earning MILLIONS but nobody ever talks about the people in the middle. Who earn...well...$26.07 in their first year, to take an example which is me. Or the people with sponsorship deals who get free stuff. Which is not me, but if cool people wanted to send me free stuff I'd be totally OK with that. Probably. I'm thinking of making a video detailing precisely what I made from online video in the last 3.75 years, and trying to, you know, open a conversation about Patreon and its amazingness, falling ad rates and rising viewcounts, monetising on YouTube and the copyright robots, and such and such. Possibly also the things I have bought in order to make better videos? Don't know. Does that sound in any way interesting? And if I made such a video, what would you want talked about? What would you want NOT talked about? Obviously I'd only give totals per month for Patreon, and I wouldn't talk about any of you individually, but...when it comes to money, what would you like to know? After all, your support is almost 50% of the show's income, and that number will only go up as the Patreon runs longer. This show could not exist in its current form without you. So I only feel it's right that you get to look at the nuts and bolts of where your support is going. What say you?



One thing I'm always curious about is how conversion works - when I pledge $10 per month, is that AUD or the currency you receive it in? Given our dollar tends to be weak against other nations' I'd want to adjust my pledge to make sure you get the full amount, for instance.


I'm pretty sure you pledge in USD. ...I should probably check that, but the pledge I make is in USD so it does fluctuate month to month when converted from GBP or EUR or whatever. I shall add that also though, because it's a good point!


I love the idea of this. People seem terrified of announcing their numbers (any numbers) as if it's a sign of weakness / defeat or something? I find these sorts of behind the curtain creations endlessly fascinating. /lurk


I don't know. I assumed it was a combo of squeamishness about money and NDAs about sponsorship (including, perhaps, even disclosing that you're beign sponsored? Don't know...though that would seem unethical. Doesn't mean companies wouldn't do it though!) and it always sat oddly with the Overshare All The Things which is the YouTube vlogging norm.