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Sorry about the late nature of the early release (if that makes sense), things were...a little hectic around here this week. I hope that you are all well, and that none of you have gastroenteritis.

Because it's awful.

(Thankfully it was not me who had it this time.)

Anyway, Inception! Woo!


SYL 156 Patreon Inception

I made Inception jokes for years without ever actually having watched the film, but I'm glad I got around to it eventually!



I have seen neither Inception nor the da Vinci Code, but I have studied philosophy. There's something called a "fool's paradise". Jill, would it matter if your husband had an affair and didn't really love you - as long as you never found out? Why would it matter? If you think it does matter, then that automatically excludes a number of philosophical positions. As for the people who say there are no objective truths - does that mean they agree with Trump that you can just supply "alternative facts"? Very few philosophy professors have actually defended him on that score.


Is there an alternate cut of this video where you outright accuse Inception of being a tease of roosters while shotgunning whiskey and Marlboro reds? Only asking,because I'd like to see it...


The Da Vinci Code is next? HELL YES! I want to see this book/movie get ripped to shreds


I enjoyed -- errr liked -- this movie very much! Looking forward to your thoughts on it.


i was never a fan of inception, due - as you mentioned - in large part to the hype train that it was riding on. I enjoyed Da Vinci Code, but strictly in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.


For a moment it seemed like you were going to say "Sacred Feminem" which would be an awesome rap moniker.


Sacred...females in emergency medicine? (Would be an amazing name for an all-female group of rapping EMTs, come to think of it.)


Actually,I like your idea better. Could be a girl rock band of EMTs. It might be difficult to balance the long night hours of emergency medicine with the rocker life though.