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Hi Patrons, happy August

This month really got started on an awful note where I had a few seizures and had to be admitted to the hospital

I'm okay, but sadly was out of commission all of last week and broke my collarbone which is gonna take me some time to heal from

I am still finishing up comms from last month, and will be posting this month

However, I may have a few re edits this month. I still will give them new edits so they are fresh, but I really hope I can count on your patience and kindness to help me get through this month.

I apologize in advance and will be doing my best this month as I heal

Staying signed up, or even editing your pledge to be a higher amount this month is one of the best ways to support me as well.

Thank you so much in advance



Let us know what we can do to help!

Eli (Sir_Roff_Roff)

Oh no! that's crap. I hope you are healing well. Sometimes we have troughs in life, worse for some then others, but I hope for you it's up from here. Sending best wishes for an easy recovery.💙💙