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As February comes to a close, it's time to vote for all the great nominations from our $25+ patrons! There was no theme this month, so people picked a wide variety of stuff.

As usual, rank your favorites from the top (#1) being your favorite, to the bottom being your least. Instead of cluttering up the poll with large images making it harder to click and drag options, I've put links to images of individual characters in every instance. You may have to double-click them to get them to open, but I tested it and it seemed to work fine.

You can only vote once and you have 72 hours to do so. The 1st and 2nd place winners will be announced shortly after the poll closes! Here's the link to the poll one more time.

Also, March will roll around in my timezone in less than 5 hours from the time I'm posting this - remember that you can send in a sketch request  the second the clock hits midnight here (PST, UTC -8)!




My top vote is really obvious, but man that Okami option would make a beautiful pic