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Last weekend I finally got the keys and all my stuff is moved in my new apartment! Today i'm in Florida for a few days for a family trip, but I get back on the 1st. I tried to bring some art with me to work on while I was here, but the thumb drive I put everything on got corrupted somehow.

So I'm putting this clusterfuck of a month behind me and jam-packing February with almost double the streams and requests for all of you! On the 2nd I'll be posting the Miia Hot Springs sketch, runner-up to January's winter theme. Then it's time for the January streams I missed:

February 5th @ 3PM PST (11PM UTC): Januray Sketch Request Stream #2

February 7th @ 3PM PST (11PM UTC): January Sketch Request Stream #3

February 11th @ 3PM PST (11PM UTC): Cyberwinter Painting Stream #1

February 13th @ 3PM PST (11PM UTC): Cyberwinter Painting Stream #2

After this I will post dates for February's sketch request streams and whatever wins February's Patron's Pick theme(TBD).

Also, for future reference, you can send your sketch requests for the upcoming month starting on the 1st day of a new month at midnight PST. So get your requests ready because February is right around the corner!

Looking forward to a fresh start in a new place this February, and I hope you like streams cuz there will be a lot of them! I will also start posting content and streaming work that I'm doing for Future Fragments, Internal Interrogation and Indivisible, which is starting back up again.





Streams! Streams in the car! Streams everywhere!


Sounds like it's been a rough first month for you man. Take some time and relax in Florida and enjoy the weather. We're patient folks.


thanks. it's nice this time of year. colder than i thought, but nice


There's a stream on Lilly's birthday!


oh my god you're right! i wonder if there's a lilly sketch that day.. if not i'll have to do a little something. :)