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Hey everyone! I'm sorry for an update so late in the month - i'll get to that in a bit. First, the important stuff.

50 of you voted for this month's Patron's Pick painting and animation, and the results are:

1st place (full painting): "Little Cyberspring" Winter Edition (8.18)

2nd place (sketch): Miia (Monster Musume) Winter Hot Spring (7.64)

And the winner for the animation loop is... something lewd with 44% of the vote! I am probably going to do another round of nominations and polls for ideas for this as you all come up with great stuff.


So, stream dates. Where are they? Well.. this is why moving sucks. As many of you know, this month I am in the process of moving from one apartment to another.

Since January 3rd, I have had a hold on a new apartment that I have not been able to move in to. Long story short - my landlord has constantly ignored requests to hand over my tenant ledger to my new apartment's screening company, and until they do I can't sign the lease. I have gone to their office every day for the last week and a half asking for them to do this to no avail.

My plan was to have been moved in by last weekend and start streaming in my new apartment.. but instead i'm still stuck in my old apartment, which is almost completely boxed up besides the stuff I need day to day.

I'm in this weird place where I keep looking for things to pack, and also thinking at any second I could get a call saying I can go sign the lease, get my keys, and start moving all this damn stuff - and it's been like this for almost 2 weeks.

Suffice to say I am beyond frustrated right now, but as I am running out of things to pack and have nowhere to bring it, I'm going to stream what I can until the 28th, when I will be out of town for about a week.

Because things could change for me at a moment's notice, I'm going to schedule one stream at a time - some of the streams will leak into February, so we'll have some double-header action again. 

Up first will be sketch request stream #1 on Friday, January 20th @ 3PM PST (11PM UTC)

Lastly, I'd like to apologize for the delays - this is not how I had hoped my month would go, and it's been very stressful and disappointing. Eventually things will turn around, and I look forward as always to drawing all of your wonderful sketch requests, spending time with you all on streams, and showing you all the stuff I'm working on and planning for 2017. Thanks for your continuing support and understanding, and I hope to see you all Friday. It feels like it's been a long time since our last stream!


