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The 5th anniversary of Katawa Shoujo was a few days ago, and I felt like I should put something up for it, even if it's late. I will color this later, but you guys get to see it first!

I'll be putting up the Patron's Pick poll soon, but in the meantime I should also let you all know that at some point this month I will be moving apartments, so i'll be out of commission for a few days while that happens. Hopefully things will go smoothly - as of right now I don't have the keys, but I did sign a lease, so once I do get them I'm going to try to make it happen as soon as possible so everything goes off without a hitch this month.




5 years already? Well damn...good shit, dude.


Awwww yeeeeaaaah! KENJI'S HARD SHIT!


hard to believe but yes it came out in 2012! I discovered it a few months after its release, personally.


Not pictured: Yuuko and I