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What better way to start the year than with some OL goodness? This month's nominees from our $15+ patrons are quite thin, but a great selection nonetheless.

I am no longer doing ranked choice for these due to unreliability of 3rd party tools. I am also going to try to do image sets for both 1st and 2nd place as I feel like it might suit my style better. Let me know what you think of this idea.

Poll closes in a week. Vote for as many of them as you like!



I've recently gotten into FGO, so imma have to go with Koyan

Noah Garrity

Sorry, I need some robo-ladies, so Alia automatically gets my vote

No Step On Snek

Oh man, I need me some takizawa-san


No longer doing ranked choice is just as well! It may be leagues better than FPTP voting, but Approval voting (literally this) and score voting are, after all, proven to have the highest margins of group satisfaction anyway! AND also not have any of the other problems with ranked voting methods. :3 💖