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Want one of these for yourself? Check out the sketch request folder on dropbox!

Hi everyone! I got back from Anime Expo a few days ago and I have a lot to share about it next stream. But before I do that I have some stuff to upload, the first being this sketch request collage from last month as well as the NSFW requests in the next post.

Speaking of NSFW, some changes are coming to my Patreon this month. The first of which is the mixture of NSFW material into my Patreon. If you aren't interested in seeing this work from me, I am going to mark all my NSFW posts with a warning beforehand, and I won't exclusively create it either but instead try to keep a healthy balance.

I'll also be adjusting the Patreon pledge tiers as well as adding new ones, and running a survey on changes regarding Patrons Pick Polls and sketch requests. So if you have any suggestions, opinions or ideas for changes, this will be a good month to talk about it.

I'll try not to spam your email with too many new updates but I do have a lot of files to share and I'll be posting quite a bit this week, followed by this month's stream schedule.

Don't forget that you can send in your sketch requests for July by emailing rtil@thebackalleys.com. Please include the words "Sketch Request" in your subject, and references + your Patreon username in the body.




Welcome back! I hope you sold a bunch of merch! This was such a great round of sketches. Thank you, as always!


I actually once left the animation of the girl playing with water with her feet you posted way back on my work computer as I went to lunch. People still think I have a foot fetish or something today, hah.


it was a great con! i'll talk all about it at the next stream.