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Since this month has fewer color sketches than normal because of hiatus+moving+holidays, I thought I'd also scan and share some stuff in my sketchbook! There's a few in here that might end up as characters or paintings in the future. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for one final post regarding next month with important info for new and current patrons.




Your sketchbook stuff looks great!!!

Christopher Cansler

Your art style makes me so happy, I swear <3

Luke Kuepfer

Wow, i really love your sketches, they've got a really cool style!


Gosh dang I still love your mechanical greebling as much as when I first laid eyes on it over a decade ago. Like. Dang. I mean your material rendering in general. Clouds, water type stuff. These sketches are a nice collected reminder. Fuckin' happy I've been here so long. Also sketch fourteen? 👀 I am looking very disrespectfully. SHE'S CUTE.