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Here's all the public sketches I did this month. Enjoy! If you don't see yours here, i'll be sending the rest out over next week. 

So what's in store for November? Like last year we'll be doing a holiday theme for our animation and painting, because i'll be taking a break from Patreon for December and don't want to miss out on that. If you're unfamiliar with this process, I'll be pausing my Patreon before the December billing cycle - this means you can stay pledged to me but you will not be charged while my Patreon is on hiatus, and then i'll unpause it for January and we'll get back to business as usual.

I'm doing this to take a break for the holidays and I'll also be moving to a new state so I won't have much time at all in December for much else. But i'll be starting 2022 in a new place with my own office so that's very exciting! 

Anyway, thank you all for your support this month. As always, I couldn't do any of this without all of you. I hope you enjoyed all the content and are looking forward to this new month as much as I am. I hope you all had a happy Halloween, and i'll post November nomination posts and schedule within the coming days.




Good luck!


Not moving to Boston or Az by chance? ;)


Suerte 👍

Michael Simkins

It's AZ for Arizona, either one works, just so long that you spell the abbreviation properly, AZ or Arizona! If you don't people to lecture you on spelling and/or grammar, then fix it your yourself, I'm simply correcting comments so that everyone can understand them better and know exactly what is being conveyed in a clear, broadly understandable way! I'm just trying to help you and anyone else who forgot what they were in school for in the first place, to apply what you were taught and apply what you learned in the real world & online applies as well!

Michael Simkins

I'm not trying to get kicked off here again, if I had before, then I apologize RTIL, I care about proper spelling, abbreviation and grammar everywhere, especially on the Internet!


You were not kicked off - it's possible Patreon may have automatically done it if your card was ever declined, but I couldn't tell you as it doesn't notify me if something like that happens.