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Hi everyone! Sorry for the late April update post as I was very busy wrapping up an animation project for a VN. Now that that's out of the way, let's get to what's happening this month!

First of all - mark your calendars! Here is my stream schedule for this month (all times are PDT/UTC -7):

Sketch Request Stream: Saturday, April 16th @ 3PM

Sketch Request Stream: Tuesday, April 19th @ 3PM

As a patron, my sketch requests are prioritized to you! You can reserve a sketch request every month until my 30 slots are filled. So far there are still 25 slots open, so if you'd like to reserve yours now, please email me at rtil@thebackalleys.com with the subject "Sketch Request (your patreon name)", and be sure to include references if you have them! Please try limit your request to a maximum of 2 characters so that I have time to draw everyone's request.

Patrons Pick Painting Stream: Saturday, April 23rd @ 3PM

Patrons Pick Painting Stream: Tuesday, April 26th @ 3PM

$25+ Patrons will be making their nominations for this month's Patrons Pick Poll. In a few days, all patrons will get the opportunity to vote on those nominations. I'm still pondering this month's theme.. which means if I can't decide soon it will be an anything goes month. If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them.

PRIVATE Patrons-only Stream - Q&A Session: Saturday, April 30th @ 3PM

This is new and something I've wanted to try for a while. Ask me anything about art or animation, how to do something in a certain piece of software, tips/tricks, etc, and i'll do my best to demo it live on stream. I don't know how many questions I can answer but I'll do as many as I can. If you have a burning question and don't want to wait, you can email it to me at rtil@thebackalleys.com with the subject "Q&A (your patreon name)" with your question and I will queue it for the stream.

$10+ patrons can look forward to a lot of unseen animation clips from previously mentioned VN project here, including character and sfx animation!

Since we hit the $750 goal again this month I'll be releasing another brush and texture pack as well. I'm thinking i'll be releasing some of my favorite inking tools and settings for lineart. Not as fancy as previous months but definitely something essential.

Hope to see you all back on the stream train starting Saturday!



Nice that you used UTC instead of that stinky GMT :p


Unseen animation clips? I assumed the $10 pledge was only work-in-progress animation; not also bonus material. :o


I like the idea of this Q&A stream. If I got some amateur-ish question for you I'll be sure to hit you up.


Also I feel like we've been dancing around that $750 back and forth for the past several months.


any and all questions are welcome! and yes we have.. this is the 1 year anniversary of my patreon, i have some ideas for revamping it and bringing in new people. hopefully it works out!


i'm sitting on a lot of animation that is technically finished and i feel like sharing my favorite pieces :)


yeah i realized i was using basically an outdated "universal" format, sorry about that ^^;