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This month instead of a survey I'll be running a poll instead. I wanted to make it easier for people to participate, even if the results might be a little more typical. All nominations from our $15+ patrons are featured, as usual. Keep in mind you can vote for more than one and change your vote until the poll closes on Wednesday at 3PM, before the painting stream starts.

Since Patreon doesn't have random sorting for polls, I've decided to list the characters in alphabetical order.

Here are images of each character:



The potential downsides I could see maybe being a factor with this format are that seeing the results beforehand /could/ discourage some people from even throwing in a vote at all, if their picks are too far behind, or if they're already winning by a large margin. It kind of makes it so that voting only has an effect when there is a close tie. But also, in general, knowing the results can change choices. Like with this type of voting, some people will refrain from voting for whoever is in the lead, because they don't "need" the vote, or because of a desire to see the underdog win, instead of voting more genuinely. But also also this style of voting turns a gradiented system into a binary range of 0 to 1, which gets rid of the nuance of preference, and can mean the ideal option might not win. Of course, on the other hand, if it /does/ mean more people actually interact and vote, because it is easier, then it may be completely worth switching over, so that more people actually end up contributing to the result. So I guess we'll see.


That is basically my thought process as well. While I think the surveys provide more nuance - and potentially more interesting results - getting people to participate in them was always never as convenient and simple as these polls. Unfortunately Patreon offers little options in how polls work, the only options being the ability to vote for only one option and setting an end date. If I could prevent people from seeing the current standings I'm not sure if I would, but I think it certainly can influence people's feelings about who they think might win or lose.