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Here are some sketches of Sangmu, the Indivisible incarnation whose weapon will be sand (watch out Anakin Skywalker). I am so excited for Sangmu that I am going to use the bottom drawing as a frame for a Sangmu animation, so stay tuned for that! I'll probably be doing lots more Indivisible incarnation sketches and animations over the next, oh.. 3 or so years as I help work on the game. 

Don't forget to tune in about 12 hours from now when I'll be streaming the 2nd half of the Ajna & Leilani painting! 

I will probably be very quiet next week as I will be spending time with family and friends for the holidays - as I'm sure many of you will be as well. But before I do, I will have a special surprise gift for all my patrons that I have been meaning to put together for a long time! I will be sure to post it before the 25th and I hope that you will all like it.

Besides all that, I still have some PSD and videos to deliver, and I have a bunch of ideas for new fanart and original works for January that I hope you'll all be excited for. But let's worry about that later, it's still 2015. See you for now!




I don't like sand. Its coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.