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Hey, its' the first Tip Jar! Tip Jar is corellated with my new Patreon pledge tier at $2 where you'll see these small tutorials or "tips" before anyone else, and can suggest what you'd want the next "tip" to be. It can be a question about a piece of software, something about drawing, animation or anything art related!

Since this is my first I'd like to ask, how clear is this tutorial? Is it helpful? Did you learn something? Any comments, critique or suggestions are welcome. And again, these wouldn't be possible without all of you, so thank you! And I look forward to any suggestions for what Tip Jar #2 will be about.




I barely use photoshop, and it seems clear to me.


Fill tool in Photoshop or Flash is such a godsend. It's just unfortunate Flash doesn't have a magic wand tool, things would be so much nicer.


Flash actually does have a magic wand tool, but for some reason it is a submenu item underneath the lasso tool.