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After a pretty insane and scary start to the month, I'm 2 days in recovery and feeling pretty great. I have a follow-up xray on Wednesday as the first couple weeks of post-op are the riskiest, but I'm keeping it safe and taking it easy. Fortunately, drawing is not a strenuous activity on my lungs, so I feel comfortable getting back to work. I am still a few days behind on things, but I should be caught up soon.

That means it's time for one of my favorite themes of the year, Fit February! Nomination surveys will go up for $5+ animation tiers and $15+ Patron's Pick tiers shortly, as well as the sketch request slot sheet for $25+ patrons.

Here is this month's stream schedule - all streams start around 3PM Pacific time: 

Friday, February 7th: Stream: Sketch Requests #1

Saturday, February 8th:

  • Patron's Pick Poll goes live (all patrons)
  • Animation poll #1 goes live ($5+ patrons)

Sunday, February 9th: Stream: Sketch Requests #2 

Tuesday, February 11th: Stream: Sketch Requests #3 

Thursday, February 13th: Stream: Sketch Requests #4 

Friday, February 14th: Animation poll #2 goes live if necessary ($5+ patrons)

Saturday, February 15th: Stream: Sketch Requests #5 

Monday, February 17th: Stream: Sketch Requests #6 

Wednesday, February 19th: Stream: Patron's Pick #1 - Results, 2nd place sketch & 1st place lineart

Friday, February 21st: Stream: Patron's Pick #2 - 1st place painting

Sunday, February 23rd: Stream: Animation winner #1

Tuesday, February 25th: Stream: Animation winner #2

Now for the poll - last month I put up the sketch request gallery on Patreon as well as catbox. The benefit of putting it on Patreon is more direct access to images and a summary from Patreon emails that tell you how many patron-exclusive images you are getting. But, it's not so great when there's tons of images. So I am wondering if you guys would like to see a mini-gallery after every sketch request stream, which would have roughly 6 images per gallery, or keep the sketch request galleries to one mega-post at the end of the month. Let me know in the poll below!


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