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As some of you may know, last month I got very sick. I've had a lingering condition since then that I went to see a doctor about yesterday.  I found out today I have a condition called pneumothorax, which is a collapsed lung when air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall. It's critical and i need to go to the ER tonight to see if they need to operate. If they do, they will be putting a tube into my lung to re-inflate it. The recovery process for that is about 2-3 days.

Not that there's ever a good time to get surgery, but obviously if I end up getting operated on i'll probably be out a few days. I'll go ahead and post the sketch request bundle now in case that happens. If you haven't received your sketch request, I planned on finishing it today, but I need to go to the ER instead. Hopefully, i'll be back home as soon as possible.



Take all the time you need

Bradley Jensen

Hope everything goes well. Good luck!

Andrew Fleming

Dude, be well! Sounds like we should hold off on emailing you on the 1st until we get another update that everything is alright correct? Please take as much time as necessary to recover and we will patiently await your return.


Feel free to send out requests as usual. I read that recovery time is 2-3 days, so I should be well enough to sit at my desk in no time if I need surgery.

Andrew Fleming

Alright, good luck to you friend, we'll all be here waiting to hear about your getting better!


Wishing you a speedy recovery! Please make sure to make time for yourself to recover.


I hope that everything goes well.


Get well soon man, stay strong!


Be safe man!


Stay safe and I hope you get better asap, I know it's a little late