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Here's all the public online and offline sketches from this month, available in this convenient catbox gallery. Enjoy!

As I noted in my last post, my Patreon is now currently paused. You will not be charged for December, as I'll be taking the month off due to long-term holiday travel plans. This is the first time I've ever taken a break from Patreon since I started in 2016! We'll get right back to business in January with Manuary, taking our usual once-a-year men only painting/animation theme from November to January since we did holiday stuff instead to make up for the December break.

With that being said, this is probably my last post here on Patreon for the year. As much as I'd like to surprise everyone with a bonus December post - preferably with an update to the office lady OC sketch bundle - I know it most likely isn't going to happen as even though I'm taking a break from Patreon itself, I still have a lot on my plate for the month and a lot of that stuff comes first.

Either way, I'll say what I usually say at the end of the year. I want to thank you all for your support this year. All your requests, nominations and ideas have allowed me to draw, paint and animate things I never would have the motivation to do on my own, and it forces me to be a better artist and widen my range of skills and knowledge. I can't wait to see what's in store for 2020 and I hope you'll be there to see it.

So please enjoy your holiday season, and i'll see you all in the next decade!
