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This month I leave on the 21st for the holidays to see family and I don't get back until the 27th. Since we're doing Christmas-themed stuff this month, we're getting started earlier than usual.

Sketch request streams will be on the following days starting around 3PM PST:

December 4th (Tuesday)

December 6th (Thursday)

December 8th (Saturday)

December 10th (Monday)

December 12th (Wednesday)

December 14th (Friday)

This month's Patron's Pick Christmas-themed streams will be on December 17th and December 18th, followed by the Santa's Helper animation streams on December 19th and December 20th. Yeah, that's 4 streams back-to-back! This is because I have obligations all weekend that will prevent me from streaming.

I'll probably be posting the sketch request collage the day after I leave as I'll have my laptop with me. After that, you probably won't hear much from me as I'll be celebrating Christmas with some family. When I get back, I'm thinking about doing a New Years stream for fun if time allows. I might stream myself sucking at Dark Souls or something like that.

Anyway, Stay tuned for nomination posts for Patron's Pick and animation stuff! 


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