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This month's theme for Patron's Pick was characters with a military theme. We had a total of 21 nominations, and now it's your turn to pick your favorites! You can rank as many or as few as you'd like. The 2nd place winner will receive a colored sketch, and the 1st place winner a full painting. Winners will be announced and drawn on the first Patron's Pick stream of the month this coming Tuesday, so get your ballot in before then!




Is that a vote for Big Boss or for Venom Snake?


The original text for the nomination was "Big Boss (Venom) - Metal Gear". That's all I know, I don't know enough about the Metal Gear games to clarify any further on this. Maybe UltraGuest can clarify so I can make a more coherent choice on the poll if that isn't enough.


Oh! Well, uhhh **Spoilers for MGS:V The Phantom Pain** Venom Snake is a separate entity from Big Boss. Venom is the surgeon on the helicopter that dove in front of The Boss to save him front an explosion, which is why he has his 'Devils horn.' He was then surgically altered and hypo-therepied into believing he was The Boss until the end of the game, where it's revealed that Big Boss was the one that saved you at the start of the game via a tape recorder from 'The Man Who Sold the World,' so you create his army and fight his enemies while Big Boss begins to manipulate the world from the shadows.


Correct, this '2nd Big Boss' is the nomination for the military poll. He may not be the real Big Boss, but to the eyes of the world he is the leader of Mother Base and its private military.