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Today I have to be at the airport at 4:30PM, so I'm moving the sketch request stream to start around 6PM Pacific Standard Time.

Wednesday's surgery has been moved from Thursday to Wednesday, conflicting with that day's stream. So I am moving that stream to Thursday @ 3PM, assuming everything goes well. The day after that will be the announcement of the Patron's Pick winners and the Patron's Pick stream.

I had an idea a few days ago to set-up a Google Spreadsheet document with 5 slots for each sketch request stream that $25+ patrons can use to pick a slot of their choice instead of me sending them out from earliest to latest. The advantages I see is that you will have a better chance at getting a time that works best for you, and if you would like to swap with someone it can be easier than asking me.

I'd like to try the format out at least once starting in March, but if you have any other suggestions for this please let me know. Thanks!



This is a great idea - I don't do it myself but what will it be like for those who wish to have private sketches?

Patrick Beadle

This is a great change. I had to swap my thursday to friday last week! I dont mind if mine is the first or last sketch, as long as I can see rtil sketching Im all good. 😊


They will just send their request and not take a slot from the spreadsheet

Andrew Fleming

This sounds like a pretty good idea to me! Giving it a test run next month will certainly help smooth it out for further use. Just so I'm sure I have things straight, we will still email you at the start of the month and then after, we will go fill out the spreadsheet correct? Thanks! :]


Yep! The only difference is this time you'll know when your sketch will be streamed and you get to pick it, of course.