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Hi everyone! December is a bit of a crazy month as the holidays means family visiting and taking time off to be with them. I'm also going to my last convention of the year in Chicago from the 14th to the 19th. Since some sketch requests and our Patron's Pick is holiday themed, I'm going to do my best to get them all in before Christmas. But I also need to keep some of my schedule more open this month, so i'm splitting up streams into smaller chunks throughout the next 2 weeks.

Sunday, December 10th @ 3PM PST: Sketch Requests 1-5

Monday, December 11th @ 3PM PST: Sketch Requests 6-10 & Patron's Pick voting begins

Tuesday, December 12th @ 3PM PST: Sketch Requests 11-15

Wednesday, December 13th @ 3PM PST: Sketch Requests 16-20

Thursday, December 14th - Tuesday, December 19th: Con+Alt+Delete Artist Alley in Chicago, IL

Wednesday, December 20th @ 10PM PST: Sketch Requests 21-25

Thursday, December 21st @ 3PM PST: Sketch Requests 26-30

Friday, December 22nd @ TBD: Patron's Pick Winners Stream #1

Thursday, December 23rd @ 3PM PST: Patron's Pick Winners Stream #2

Something a little different but hopefully it will still be fun, and I'll do my best to ensure everything gets sent out and posted before Christmas day. See you on the streams soon!


Patrick Beadle

I think this is a great idea that could be implemented in future.