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As most of you know I am currently in Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta artist alley. Normally at this time of the month I would be finishing and sending out all the sketch requests, but the early birth of my nephew set me back a day or two and I couldn't get them all done before I left.

So unfortunately I have to do something I really hate doing and that is delaying the bundle until next month. Fortunately I get back on Monday and my first priority will be wrapping up the remaining overflow requests and getting them to you all ASAP. I only have a few left so this shouldn't take longer than a day.

I apologize for having to do this and I hope it doesn't inconvenience anyone. I'm planning October's streams early and ahead of time so that anything unplanned doesn't cause a similar scenario before I head to Kumoricon on Halloween weekend. That stream schedule will go up on October 1st.

October requests will be eligible as normal when the month turns at midnight PST.

Private Sketch Requests

I have gotten a lot of questions asking for sketch requests to not be streamed or included in the bundles. This is totally ok! It doesn't cost extra and all you need to do is ask in your request email. If you don't want anyone else to see your request except you, I will make sure to keep it confidential.

I'll be sure to update the sketch request FAQ page to reflect this information for the future, and if you have any other questions about your request, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!


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