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Hi everyone! It's great to be back, being gone for 2 weeks was way longer than I'm used to. I spent the last week catching up on work, but now I'm ready to announce stream dates and some other stuff.

So let's get to what most of you are waiting for: streams! Here's the streams I have planned (all times PST):

Sunday, September 17th @ 3PM: Afterlife August Stream #1: Mami (Madoka Magica) + Wiz (Konosuba)

Wednesday, September 20th @ 3PM: Afterlife August Stream #2

Friday, September 22nd @ 3PM: September Sketch Request Stream #1

Sunday, September 24th @ 3PM: September Sketch Request Stream #2

Tuesday, September 26th @ ???: September Sketch Request Stream #3

Tuesday's stream time is unknown because I have to be somewhere during the day and I don't know when I return. Like always, I will post here when I go live. If the stream starts unusually late, I will most likely split the stream into two streams - one on Tuesday and the last on Wednesday.

Then that Thursday I will be heading to Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta, but I'll be back the following Monday.

This month's Patron's Pick theme is Back To School September, which $25+ patrons will be making nominations for over the next few days. The eventual winners will be streamed in early October, which will most likely have another Halloween theme since it's my favorite holiday.

Thank you all for your patience while I was away for two weeks at Crunchyroll Expo and San Japan. It was a very exhausting and frustrating trip, but in the end I am glad that I went. I'll be sure to tell you all about it during the upcoming streams. Thankfully, I will not be leaving for that long of a period of time for the foreseeable future, and I hope it stays that way because it's very hard to bring my work with me. I had brought my laptop and tablet along with me for the trip hoping that I could get a lot of work done in-between conventions, but the reality was that all I could manage was to get out the sketch requests before it was time to head to Texas.

Convention season is winding down now, and that means I will be able to work where I thrive - home. There is still so much to be done, but I feel much better knowing that I will have more time and opportunity to achieve that during the fall and winter.

But enough rambling from me - I'll be posting some more art here from Summer's Patron's Pick and other paintings from convention season over the next few days.



Yes. Yes! YES!!