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The Experiment

Hey everyone! For this summer's Patron's Pick we tried a new survey method of using a 10-star rating system instead of ranked choice. About half of you said that it was better, but the other half said it was the same or worse.

My goal was to make Patron's Pick an easier and faster, but in the end I think that the stars system was not helpful in doing this. On top of this, SurveyGizmo - the site we just used - was only a one week trial, and I was not happy with its features, so I won't be paying to use it again.

Fortunately, I have found some new flexible survey software I can install on my own site that allows you to rank characters in a more intuitive fashion than SurveyMonkey, which we used to use.

Basically, all the characters will be in a column on the left in random order, and you will move them into an empty column on the right, sorting them from top to bottom by your most and least favorite, respectively.

Clicking on image links will never accidentally open in the same tab and erase your progress, and it will be much easier to re-arrange your choices and see which characters you haven't ranked yet. I'll be rolling it out for whatever we do in August, and I think you'll all like it a lot.

The Winners

With that out of the way, it's time to reveal the winners of the Summer Wombo Combo Patrons Pick. 55 of you responded, and the highest star ratings went to:

1. Hanako from Katawa Shoujo (7.1 stars)

2. Lotte from Little Witch Academia (6.7 stars)

3. Akko from Little Witch Academia (6.5 stars)

This means Hanako will get a summer-themed painting, and Lotte and Akko will get colored sketches. Since they're both from LWA, I think it would be fun to combine them in a group sketch.

But before we get to the summer fun, there's a couple streams we have to do!

Stream Schedule

So my birthday is this weekend and my daily life is kind of up in the air right now, but these dates should be ok for the upcoming streams:

Monday, July 24th - Music May Painting Stream 1 (Reina & Nonon)

Wednesday, July 26th - Music May Painting Stream 2 (Nonon)

Friday, July 28th - July Sketch Request Stream 1

Tuesday, August 1st  - July Sketch Request Stream 2

Saturday, August 5th  - July Sketch Request Stream 3

Wednesday, August 9th - Summer Painting Stream 1 (Akko & Lotte, Hanako)

Friday, August 11th - Summer Painting Stream 2 (Hanako)

By the time the last stream happens we should know what August's Patrons Pick should be and can schedule out the rest of the month.

In the meantime I'm going to start dumping some art here that's long overdue, and you'll all be seeing it first!
