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Hey everyone.

This is just a clarification to everyone who's following me but MOSTLY everyone who has commissioned me and follows my PATREON page (So you'll see this message copied here and in the other place)

I'm late on my work schedule as everyone knows, and this began in November when I got sick for a week. This part is just me explaining how it affected everything.


   I used to work with animation, making props, Backgrounds and sometimes even animated rough basics. The exploitation kind of gave me a good sense of how long I take to do this and that. So I have a metric on my head most of the times as to how long I'll finish something.

   I was set to finish the November Batch in the first week of December, extending by one or two days if needed.
But because I got stuck in bed for one week I had to postpone this schedule one week. So that's 2 weeks with a chance of entering the third week of December, winch is when the holidays began. Bills would have come in as well. I was fucked. So I spoke to all commissioners and I can't be more grateful that all of them were so understanding of this situation when I told them I'd have to open commissions for December.

   But that doesn't mean I'd be less fucked to be honest. Managed to pay for the bills and even have a good modest holiday with my aunt and friends helping around. But now I had a lot more work to go through to try and make it to January. Do you see a storm brewing? Not me. I'll have a kind of "cashless" January, but I'll manage I think. But I'm late with EVERY SINGLE COMMISSIONER right now regarding updates.

Most if not all have been very upfront in wanting me to take as much as it takes to make it right and that's what I'll do, this message is to make it clear that I will be opening commissions in January, but not like most times:

This time I'll have only three slots, and all for sketch commissions. Will be either officially open tomorrow or Wednesday.

But in order to make things even clearer, I want to show everyone the order of priority I'm going with and even share the step it's at. Below is a list of commissions I'm still working on as we speak:

-!!! @Mandalor03 - Scene Commission - Mid painting/finishing

1- @CarthielValon -Scene sketch commission - Pending final sketching
2- !!! @Royeaux - Scene commission - Pending layout + finishing
3- PRIVATE COMMISSION - Pending final sketching
4- !!! @hayashiyawara - Scene Commission - Pending layout + finishing
5- @MauriceIV1996 - Scene sketch commission -Pending final sketching
6- @zootvaan - Scene sketch commission -Pending final sketching
7- @aroadroller - Scene sketch commission - Pending final sketching
8- @Jelleefishes - Scene sketch commission - Pending final sketching
9- PRIVATE COMMISSION - Pending final sketching
10- !!! ANON COMMISSIONER - Scene Commission - First sketch pending + layout + finishing
11- PRIVATE COMMISSION - Scene Sketch Commission - Adjustment + final sketching

12- New open slot for Sketch Commissions
13- New open slot for Sketch Commissions
14- New open slot for Sketch Commissions

I'm sorry ya'll that things have been and will be bumpier then normal, it's bc of you all that I wanted to be very clear.
These "!!!" I added to make it easier to see what's a full scene here because they are the hardest commission types around and I want to explain how I'm approaching January strategically:

The way things are going, I'll finish the last November commission this week or have only the adjustments the commissioner can request. This commission is my main priority because it's from November.

After it, I'll work both Scenes and sketches together. Priority is still descending, so while I focus on one full scene, I'll work only the other sketch commissions at the same time. When I finish the full piece, I move to the other !!! on the list and repeat the process.

This way I think will be fine to finish the last 4 !!!s and all sketch commissions so far! So again, I'm sorry it's this messy right now, it really isn't normal and was a combo of things happening.

Thank you all for understanding!

Because of said situation, most things I began working haven't been finished at all. Unfortunately I'm still not in the position that I can count solely on Patreon for a monthly income and because of this posting has been so lacking even with many things "in development".

I will list the things on my "workbench" to make it clear what I had planned here:
- Two unfinished Terraqua set (one colored and one only in lines you all saw)
- Continuing my comic book with Suzaku and finally introduce Blair
- Robin x Franky set

But here's the thing: I can't promise to finish these now, not w/ the way things are right now. It might actually take way longer, and I feel bad for it. Because of this, I'll be changing the way I work with Patreon; Here's what I will have to do to be fairer to everyone:
-Post all pieces of the sets (not the comic), even if unfinished or in a very raw stage here.
-Delete all tiers above the basic one.

Before I wanted to have frequent exclusives here, I absolutely failed to deliver, I'm sorry for it. Because of it, I'll only leave patreon as a "support your artist" thing for now, winch does NOT mean I won't post exclusive things here, quite the contrary, but I can't promise it to be either frequent or "monthly".

This SUCKS for me because some of my favorite things I made only for Patreon (like that Aqua/Guardian set), but ultimately it's the right thing to do. And I want to make it very clear that everyone who wants to drop their signatures, I completely understand. Just please wait until this Sunday winch is the final date for me to post the material I want to post before changing things to only having the lowest tier.


Well this was a mouthful. I'm trying to focus on my health and life quality as best as I can this year, so this is why being perfectly clear is important regarding this situation.
Thanks everyone for the support over the years, and although this ship is still very small, It honestly took me way ahead of where I'd be able to without it, and that's really BC of this support!

Happy new years to everyone!



Sometimes life comes at us fast and all we can do is try to roll with the punches the best we can. I hope 2024 will be a great year for you. Even though it's not a lot I'll still try to throw some support your way. Looking forward to whatever you end up posting here. 👍