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Alright Patrons, you all will decide the base of this game at every step.

The creator has 4 steps that I'm calling:
Part 1 - Romance Dawn, where you guys will decide the world setting and the basic base of who our character is.

Part 2 - Standing up to it, where you guys decide what is the challenge in front of the character that forces it to "level up". A memory from another life was activated?! Drank from the miracle waters of the underworld?!

Rogue - When everything went wrong - You guys decide what tragedy struck the character. Someone died? The people considered good were bad all along? Betrayal? A curse that hurts allies? Possession of the darkest feelings?

Final Form - Break through all limits - Climax! You all decide what is the final boss, final challenge that forces the character to go over the top and bet it all in one last stand.

Post - ...Was it all worth it? - Where you decide what is the vibe of the world in the end of this character's journey. Is is positive? Negative? Did the mission get accomplished? Is the character happy or sad in the end?

So without further a do, let us begin

I'll be collecting results next monday so there's plenty of time. Not text heavy, but definetly text heavy. Feedback is apreciated!


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